A New Beginning. Another Beginning. An Opening. A stepping into. A New community. A New service. A Reaching out. A reaching into. A Celebration of New.
I can say I have finally found my space! It is a sparkling little Victorian in the town next door that grabbed me right away and kept on holding on and calling me back for 6 months until it was the right space AND the right time. It is a jumping off the cliff and literally side-stepping the mental machinations of a plan that is anything but the head. It is divine guidance, and a solid steady "yes!" of unknown proportions.
Still in chrysalis, but already becoming transparent such that the furled wings are visible from outside. An internal transformation that is requiring all my focus, all my energy, All. My. Trust. But the light I feel/see before me is like a solid sun, steady and assured that all is perfect and in right timing.
This journey of stepping where there are no steps, into a bright ball of light, especially when the rest of everything can look precarious at best and horrific to some. However, the knowing is growing more solid each day: an absolute that is undefinable but resolutely the heart calling itself home. I know the precipice of this transformation is the most profound we have ever experienced, and to this I only feel more and more and more and more and more. Like when your heart catches in your throat and you can't breathe for a moment because you are about to hear it again. Its that moment right before, when you are ready, and coming.
So here I come community, here I come world, here I come divinity. Here we all come. What a magnificent journey to behold. Truly.
Blessings to us all in this great excavating, rearranging, transmorphing, re-earthing alchemy, Our wings are almost here.